September will be National Preparedness Month, timing is everything!
We are in the middle of the Atlantic Hurricane Season on the East Coast,still in the fire season on the West,feeling the earth shake on the Pacific Rim and experiencing severe weather in the Nation's Heartland.
Natural Disasters however are just one aspect of incident preparedness we cannot forget the avian bird flu and CBRNE (Chemical,Biological,Radiological,Nuclear and Explosives) among others.
Prepare to Survive
Keep Yourself and Your Family Alive!
Incident Preparedness starts with a community, a family, an individual, it starts with YOU. It is our personal responsibility to be prepared, we cannot expect government agencies to be our own personal lifejacket. Agencies focus on those who truly cannot help themselves, those that have the ability to initiate their own means of readiness and response are strongly encouraged to do so.
Preparedness need not be overwhelming,draw up your plans,build your kits,conduct a drill and before you know it you'll be ready ...however maintain a sense of urgency and start now.
Scroll over the pictures and you will be directed to a number of agencies that can assist you today.
Do you have pets or livestock? The picture at the top of this blog will take you to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Do you live in or near San Diego County, California? A link to the County Office of Emergency Services will be helpful.
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